Quality content is very important


Quality content is very important

Category Blogs

We are flooded with content. All our devices are fighting for our attention, constantly sending us pictures and videos. Content comes to us through our computers.

Now that we have a huge amount of data, the question arises: how can I classify the information I can take into account to help me make better decisions?

Why does quality content matter?

As customers, we want to find the best answers to our questions as soon as possible. We spend / waste a lot of time learning about products and services and making better purchasing decisions.

Digital marketing allows you to achieve exactly what you want, when you want, with a unique message. But it does not end there. You also have the ability to measure the impact of your content and continue to make adjustments to get the best return on your investment over time. As content is no longer static, you will want to make sure that your assets and strategy evolve in a rapidly changing environment.

What is quality content?

Before researching why quality content helps us grow our business, we need to talk about which content is good.

Quality content usually has some common features, among which are:

It is written for people (that is, understandable to the user who reads it), not for search engines.

Enables the user (Calls to Action)

It is useful and valuable

On the contrary, the bad content:

Attempts to deceive the user.

It is incomplete or irrelevant.

Contains spelling, grammar or actual errors.

It is difficult to understand or assimilate.

Keep in mind that content is available on all digital platforms and is available in many formats. We usually think of site copies, but the content can also be informative videos, social media posts, email campaigns, text ads, landing pages or high quality content such as e-books, podcasts or whitepapers.

Quality content is the product of a careful digital marketing plan based on what the business wants to achieve and how each piece of content fits into the broader strategy. Often, quality content is reduced if your content matches the user's intent. Does the piece of content show that you understand the needs and questions of the users? If not, there are many other places to look.

Although we can try to define quality content, the real answer lies in how the content works and whether it inspires the reader or viewer to take a desired action. If it's a product page on your site, does the copy attract the visitor to buy the item? If this is a printable checklist, is the content exciting enough to download? Does the email campaign encourage new customers to click to schedule a service?

How does content affect SEO?

Quality is one of Google's top three factors.

High quality content helps your site rank better in search, which makes it easier for your potential customers to find your business. Compared to other marketing channels, organic search is better at delivering relevant traffic to your site. Compared to paid search, organic also has a higher return on investment compared to paid search, because the results can be maintained over time.

How important is the search engine?

The top ranking in a Google search gets about 33% of the search traffic, while the second gets 18% and the third gets 11%. If your result is on the first page of Google search results, you will see about 92% of the traffic, while the second page sees only 5% of the traffic. How many times have you reached the second page of search results when searching the internet?

In an effort to better satisfy users' preferences, search engines, including Google, crawl your content to better understand, organize, and prioritize it. They look for signals that your content is high quality to 'put' your content in search. The higher the ranking, the more revenue will come to your business.

Advertising campaigns end, good content grows over time. One in ten blog posts is complex, which means that organic search increases over time. Although these posts represent only 10% of your total blog content, they can generate up to 38% of your total content.

Page ranking factors

On every page of your site, search engines search for title tags, H1 tags, meta descriptions, URLs, internal links, and alt text in your images to help categorize your content. In addition, the content should correspond to a keyword where users will type in the search bar and get results related to the corresponding keyword.

Keyword research can help you determine which type of content will best match what users are looking for in your industry. The keywords you choose will vary depending on where the content is on your site (for example, on your homepage, product or service page or blog) and where your prospects will be to buy the product.

Another way search engines reward good content is backlinks. When a trusted site links to your content, it sends a message to search engines that your content is valid / clear. The better organized your content is, the more users it will receive, and the higher your page will rank in search results.

Because search algorithms favor original content, sites with duplicate content rank lower in search results. Initially, punishing duplicate content was a way to ensure that one could not copy your content and transfer it as your own.

More recently, punishing duplicate content has become a way of discouraging sites from posting exactly the same content on multiple pages. Why would you describe two different products or services on two separate pages in exactly the same way? Content loses its impact if it is not carefully created with a specific and unique purpose and purpose.

So we have to be careful what we upload and where. In short we should not take material from other websites as it has an impact on the position of our website in the search engines.